Miyerkules, Agosto 29, 2012

What's a Bucket List for?

One of my favorite movies of all time, “The Bucket List” starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman” inspired me to work on my own Bucket List to realign myself with what’s really important and balance it with the things I want most in life.

What is a bucket list?  A bucket list is just is simply a list of all the plans you would like to accomplish, desires you would like to satisfy and experiences you want to enjoy before you die.

Why have a bucket list? If you don’t live by goal setting and planning, most likely,you’re giving out  your time in the hustle and bustle of this frisky world.Do you  feel your days are passing by without any solid achievement to brag about? Have you thought of the the things you have done for the last 3 to 6 months? What about your plans for the next 3 to 6 months? Consider the things you’ve done and the things that are yet to be done, do they mean something supposed you die this very moment?That’s the idea of a bucket list.Having a bucket list reminds you of what really matters, of what is it that you really want in life, hence, you'll take action to fulfill them.

If you live by strict standard and itinerary, you're probably focused on a definite framework or system. A bucket list takes you out of that framework. It’s a way  to line everything you’ve ever wished to try or do, whether big or small,simple or complicated, shallow or deep.It’s just like re-aligning your life, picture painting, editing, directing and accentuating the  main feature of your life story.

I have written a 200 itemed-bucket list and writing it allowed me to think about my purpose in life and review the things I have achieved over the things that I wish and hope for and learned  many new things while enumerating the things written on it.It was remarkably a contemplative activity that I enjoyed so much.Having my own bucket list gave me a renewed zest in life, and my eyes open for something beautiful to happen. It serves as a reminder of all the things we wish to attain in our time right here, right now instead of spending our time with nonsensical things.

If you haven’t created a bucket list yet, I suggest you start doing it now.It doesn’t cost anything and it’ll just take 30 minutes (an hour, maybe) to write. What does it profit you? Purpose and direction.

The intent of a bucket list is not merely to expect death,although we know that it’s an inevitable thing, rather, to maximize each moment of our existence and live our best life by becoming the best person that you and I can be.

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